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Abstract: Recent Advances on High-Brilliance EUV Sources based on High – Harmonic Generation (Invited Talk)- Dr. Bastian Manschwetus at EUV Litho

Presented by Dr. Bastian Manschwetus in collaboration with Valentina Shumakova, Oscar Naranjo and Robert Riedel


With the recent advancement in ultrafast laser technology, the capabilities of laser- based extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft-X-ray (SXR) sources have greatly expanded. These coherent and ultrashort sources, based on high harmonic generation (HHG) in noble gases, provide unique opportunities for metrology and advanced material studies as demonstrated by their widespread use in research laboratories and user facilities worldwide. They have the potential to provide deeper insights into the electron dynamics of photoresists and semiconductors, as well as high-brilliance sources for scatterometry and imaging techniques in “at-wavelength” mask and wafer metrology. This progress has been enabled by the combination of state-of-the-art high-power femtosecond lasers with advanced nonlinear technologies, using high-power Yb-doped laser systems and optical-parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers (OPCPA) and multi-pass cells (MPC). In this contribution, we compare these two laser technologies and discuss their benefits and limitations in the context of HHG. Based on these results, we will present our MEGAEUV project, which is a collaboration between Class 5 Photonics GmbH, DESY, University of Hamburg, and Amphos GmbH along with partners from semiconductor industry, to scale the output EUV flux to milliwatts and increase strongly the throughput of EUV microchip inspection. A technology demonstrator will be developed using a kilowatt-class Yb laser system to enable high-performance EUV scatterometry at the wavelength of 13.5 nm.

Presenting Author

Bastian Manschwetus, Head of Research and Development EUV/SXR sources, graduated 2010 at the Max-Born Institute Berlin investigating the behavior of atoms and molecules in strong laser fields in his PhD project. With a Marie-Curie fellowship he joined then the group of Pascal Salières at CEA Saclay (France), now diving into the field of attosecond physics by high harmonic generation and atomic and molecular spectroscopy. From 2013, Bastian moved to the Lund Laser Center to work with Nobel price laureate Anne L’Huillier and Per Johnsson on the development of a high peak power EUV source. 2015, he became team leader for the pump probe laser operation at the Free-Electron Laser FLASH in Hamburg. In 2022 he joined Class 5 Photonics as project leader for developing industrial-grade EUV/soft-X-ray sources.


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