Talks and Poster at Photonics West 2025 (abstracts and dates)
We’re excited to showcase our latest advancements in photonics at Photonics West 2025, taking place in San Francisco from January 25–30. Our experts will take the stage to present groundbreaking research and innovations, offering insights into cutting-edge technologies such as multi-photon microscopy, adaptive optics, and high-speed imaging solutions. Visit us at our booth 4205 and join our talks to discover how we’re shaping the future of photonics!
Talks at Photonics West 2025
XUV Generation with MPC and OPCPA Drivers
We measured the spectral flux of the Class 5 Moonlander high harmonic generation source for two driver systems using similar pulse parameters, but at different central wavelength: a solid state multipass cell compressed Yb laser and an optical parametric amplifier system. Both laser systems provide 17W average power at 100kHz repetition rate at comparable pulse durations, 29fs vs 20fs FWHM. Main difference is the central wavelength of 1030nm for the MPC system versus the OPCPA system with a central wavelength of 800nm. We performed high harmonic generation in with both laser systems in Argon and Krypton gas media producing broad-band XUV radiation ranging from 20 to 60 eV photon energy. Using a spectrometer and an XUV diode the spectral photon flux after filtering was determined. For both systems we could reach state-of-the-art performance with photon flux of 1011 photons/s/eV to 1013 photons/s/eV after filtering at the output of the light source. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different drivers for the high harmonic generation.
Tunable, high-power deep UV to NIR source of femtosecond pulses utilizing various Yb-doped pump-laser architectures
We present a versatile design of a tunable high-power OPCPA system operating in visible and near-IR spectral regions. The tunability range can be further extended up to 200nm (6eV) in the deep UV by adding harmonic generation modules. Combining different compression schemes, we achieve pulse durations below 50fs within most of the tunability range. The design can be adapted to different femto- and picosecond Yb-based pump-laser architectures, including but not limited to InnoSlab, thin-disk and bulk-crystal regenerative amplifiers.
Bastian Manschwetus received his Ph. D in physics at the Max Born Institute in Berlin (Germany) in 2010 in the field of atomic and molecular ionization dynamics in strong laser fields. From 2010 to 2015 he first worked with Pascal Salières at CEA Saclay and then with Per Johnsson and Anne L’Huillier at Lund University on development and applications of high harmonic generation sources and attosecond physics. In 2015 he became beamline scientist at the free electron laser FLASH in Hamburg, supporting the user operation at the facility. 2022 he moved to industry when he joined Class 5 Photonics, where he is responsible for the Moonlander HHG sources and EUV / Soft X-ray product portfolio.
Poster Session
Compact, CEP-stable, few-cycle OPCPA at 2μm wavelength for attosecond pulse generation
We present a few-cycle, carrier-envelope-phase stabilized, mid-infrared source that delivers sub-25 fs pulses at the central wavelength of 2 µm with energy exceeding 300 µJ at a 40 kHz repetition rate. This source is suitable as a driver for attosecond pulse generation and for applications in ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy.
Review of functional brain imaging with advanced high-power multi-photon microscopy
Nonlinear microscopy methods in neuroscience, particularly two- and three-photon imaging, have revolutionized the field. These techniques enable high-speed, high-resolution brain activity capture, deeper brain penetration, and wider fields of view. High-power, high-repetition rate lasers, especially femtosecond lasers, are crucial, providing necessary peak power for deep-tissue imaging and real-time, in-vivo visualization. This presentation gives a review on recent achievements in up-scaled functional brain imaging using high-power multi-photon microscopy.
Dr. Kolja Kolata completed his PhD at Philipps University Marburg, focusing on ultrafast laser spectroscopy on organic semiconductors. He then worked as a Sales Engineer at SmarAct for seven years. Following this, he spent three years as a Sales Engineer at Class 5 Photonics. He is now the Sales Manager of Class5Photonics, utilizing his technical knowledge and sales experience to drive Sales and business development.
More about our high-power laser systems