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Hamburg experts work on three-photon microscopy systems for neuroscience

Rapp OptoElectronic and Class 5 Photonics make the next step in commercial systems enabling three-photon microscopy for deep brain imaging. Joint measurements have been supported by the renowned University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and show promising results in comparison to standard two-photon microscopy.

Two-photon image (2p) and three-photon image (3p) of the dentate gyrus region in the hippocampus of a mouse. Depth 500 μm. Measurements are the result of a joint campaign of Rapp OptoElectronic and Class 5 Photonics in Hamburg with sample preparation provided by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE).

Brain research is a hot topic. Researchers and scientists all over the world want to understand better how neurons are connected in the brain. Capturing neuronal dynamics in vivo at high speed and good resolution over a large brain volume is a long sought goal.

Prof. Simon Wiegert at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) has been working in neuroscience for over 15 years and explains: ”In my lab, we are especially interested in the role of synapses in long-term information storage in the brain and we mainly use mouse models. Two-photon fluorescence microscopy is a powerful tool to look into organotypic hippocampal …

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