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22. January 2020

EPIC interviews our CEO Robert – Class 5 Photonics’ journey to provide ground breaking technology for industry and science

CTO Jose Pozo of EPIC (European Photonics Industry Consortium) interviewed our CEO Robert Riedel who shared some insights of Class 5 Photonics’ journey from the early beginnings to the future.

Robert explains why Class 5 Photonics provides the most powerful OPCPA systems on the market and how Class 5 Photonics pushes lasers to extreme wavelengths at extreme average power. A clear mission to change industry and to provide ground breaking technology to enable researchers to push new limits enhances our success and enabled the company to grow to now 11 employees.

Robert gives deep insights about how to grow a former research group to an effective small company, struggles and our deep motivation to contribute in the exciting ultrafast research field.

Thanks EPIC for this great interview!

Read Interview with EPIC

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