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THz generation in organic crystals with the White Dwarf HE

Owing to their high second-order nonlinear susceptibility, organic crystals have gained tremendous interest as THz generators within the scientific community.

Recently, high-field THz generation in several organic crystals have been demonstrated by various research groups. The velocity phase matching condition is achieved using collinear propagating geometry. The phase matching condition is best fullfilled when the pump wavelength is in the IR range from 1400 nm to 1700 nm.  The absorption of the pump light in the crystals is reduced in this wavelength region, leading to an increased damage threshold, which enables higher pump fluences and hence a higher conversion efficiency.

Our compact and versatile White Dwarf HE laser system is extended to a tunable, high power version centered at a wavelength of 1.55 µm with a pulse duration of < 36 fs making it an optimal source for THz generation with organic crystals.
In addition, an optically synchronized compressed probe pulse with a pulse duration of < 15 fs at 850 nm is available as a second output channel.

The White Dwarf HE is available with 10, 20 or 30 W output power.

Scientific poster presented at DPG conference in Regensburg 2019

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