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15. December 2021

White Dwarf is 2022 Prism Finalist

Sometimes great success starts with humble ideas – how to make a small laser from a super-high-power technology?

Inspired by cutting-edge neuroscientists, and developed to its best – we are very honored that our White Dwarf OPCPA is nominated as finalist for the SPIE Prism awards 2022. This prestigious, international award honors the best new optics and photonics products on the market.

We congratulate all finalists. Looking forward to see you in San Francisco on 26 January 2022.

Re-watch our great product video discussing the White Dwarf and its benefits for neuroscience and three-photon microscopy. We hope many more biologists and neuroscientists will benefit from our technology, and will ultimately advance neurobiology and our understanding of brain functionalities and diseases.


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