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The Cousa Objective: A Game Changer in Multiphoton Microscopy

The field of Multiphoton Microscopy has been transformed with the introduction of the Cousa objective – an ultra-long working distance air immersion objective. This groundbreaking tool is designed to overcome limitations that have plagued researchers for years, such as short working distances and the need for water immersion.

The Cousa objective has a working distance of 20 mm, a field-of-view (FOV) greater than      4 mm², and offers submicron lateral resolution. In essence, it dramatically simplifies the process of imaging in larger mammals and expands the potential of in vivo imaging.

For most advanced three-photon (3P) microscopy the largest field-of view ever has been demonstrated, using our White Dwarf 3P laser system, enabled by the higher power and superior performance parameters of the White Dwarf 3P.

While multiphoton microscopy has already proven transformative for neuroscience, the introduction of the Cousa objective powered by the White Dwarf 3P laser system takes it to an entirely new level. The capacity to image with such a large field-of-view without compromising on resolution is opening up new possibilities and reshaping our understanding of neurological structures and dynamics.

The future of multiphoton microscopy looks brighter than ever. With the advent of tools like the Cousa objective and White Dwarf 3P laser system, we can expect a wave of innovation and discovery that will revolutionize our understanding of the brain. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in this space!

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  • December 21, 2023
    Che-Hang Yu, Yiyi Yu,…, Alipasha Vaziri,…, David Fitzpatrick,…, Prakash Kara,…, Ikuko T. Smith & Spencer LaVere Smith, The Cousa objective: a long-working distance air objective for multiphoton imaging in vivo, Nature Methods 2023
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